About Adoption
Currently there are over 1,000 Kansas children in foster care that are without a resource, waiting to be adopted.
Many of these kids will be adopted by relatives, non-relative kin, and foster parents. Others continue to wait. Children needing adoption are from all age groups, races and ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. However, the majority of waiting children are age eight and older, part of a sibling group of 3 or more, or have special needs.
Children’s Services
Kansas children in foster care awaiting adoption receive services through one of two DCF contracted Child Welfare Case Management Contractors. These private agencies ensure children receive necessary services, are living in a safe and a supportive environment which meets their needs, and achieve timely permanency. It is the responsibility of the Case Management Contractors to determine the attributes of an adoptive family that would best suit the needs of a child in their care. Once a family is selected for a child, the Case Management agency is also responsible for coordinating pre-placement visits, developing the Adoption Placement Agreement (APA), and guiding the process through finalization. Post-adoption services (also known as aftercare) are also provided for 12 months following finalization.
Families interested in adopting a child from the foster care system have a choice in deciding which agency they want to work with for their adoption. A variety of factors may influence the agency you select. These factors may include the area of the state in which you live, the type of child whose needs you best meet, whether or not you are interested in fostering, and your own personal preferences or past experience with an agency. Adopt Kansas Kids can assist you in examining your options.
In addition to services to children, Case Management Contractors also provide services and support to foster and adoptive families. Among the services provided are sponsorship of TIPS-MAPP classes, completion of home studies, and post-adoption supports including training, support groups, and referrals to community resources. Both Case Management Contractors sponsor foster homes in Kansas as well.
Other agencies in Kansas may also assist foster and adoptive families. Many sponsor foster homes, in addition to providing adoption home studies and post adoption supports.